A Space for Fellowship with Clean Air in Place
Calvary Evangelical Free Church, Rochester, Minn.
Toward the back of the sanctuary at Calvary Evangelical Free Church (CEFC) in Rochester, Minn., two powerful ISO-Aire™ units are in place protecting this longstanding community of faith and service. The supplemental in-space air purification floor models complement the church's existing HVAC and air handling system, adding a proven layer of protection for members during worship services.
"Our congregation is pleased to see that we are doing as much as we can to mitigate the spread of the virus and having the two units in our space really sends that message," explained Joel Minchinton, CEFC facilities manager.
Two ISO-Aire™ RSF1000 units engineered with medical-grade HEPA filtration and ozone-free bipolar ionization flank the sanctuary entrance at Calvary Evangelical Free Church. An ionization meter (right) measures the output of positive and negative ions, which work in two strategic ways to capture and destroy microscopic pathogens and contaminants.
ISO-Aire™ delivers proven mitigation strategies that exceed the minimum requirements for indoor air quality established by ASHRAE and the CDC. Easy to install and maintain, ISO-Aire™ in-space purification solutions are helping to clean the air and protect occupants in schools, restaurants, fitness studios, senior living centers, day care facilities, and more.
Our signature strategy to maximize safe and continuous air flow involves pulling air and airborne contaminants away from the source utilizing a high-powered fan. Recirculation models continuously capture and destroy harmful aerosolized particles and return purified air into the building environment.
ISO-Aire™ can be seamlessly installed in almost any commercial space configuration from office buildings to churches to preschools. The RSF1000 units inside Calvary Evangelical Free Church offer two layers of unmatched medical-grade filtration to capture and destroy 99.99% of germs and microscopic indoor air contaminants including mold, pollen, dust, VOCs, and smoke.