City Gives HEPA Air Purifiers a Vote of Confidence with ISO-Aire™ Installation
Two ISO-Aire RSF300 air purifier models and one RSF500 air purifier are helping bring healthy, clean air to St. Louis Park’s City Hall.
The facilities team at the City of St. Louis Park, Minn. called on ISO-Aire™ this spring to help implement supplemental indoor air quality upgrades inside the municipality's City Hall. A total of three commercial-grade air purifiers now protect the City Council chamber as well as space near the building entrance.
St. Louis Park, a first-ring suburb of Minneapolis, chose two RSF300 units and an RSF500 model, all engineered with 12-inch deep medical-grade HEPA filtration and ozone-free bipolar ionization. Together in a proactive offense-defense type purification strategy, the dual components capture and destroy 99.99% of potentially harmful pathogens and indoor air contaminants including viruses and emerging variants, bacteria, mold, pollen, dust, and VOCs.
ISO-Aire HEPA Air Purifiers Provide Indoor Air Quality Improvements to Government Facilities
The City of St. Louis Park installed three ISO-Aire commercial-grade air purifiers inside the municipality’s City Hall to help bring sanitized air to the City Council’s chambers as well as building entrance.
ISO-Aire delivers proven COVID-19 mitigation strategies that are recommended for indoor air quality established by both the CDC and ASHRAE.
In addition, ISO-Aire filtration solutions are:
Easy-to-install and maintain;
Quiet, innovative and long-lasting, designed with power-driven, medical-grade components;
Designed to "scrub" the indoor air effectively 24/7;
Engineered with a strategic and signature air-throw method that continuously pulls contaminants away from the source toward the unit, then releases clean, sanitized air into the room or space;
Helping bring safe, healthy air to community service agencies, schools, day care centers, churches, synagogues, restaurants, fitness studios, senior living centers, and more.
ISO-Aire can be seamlessly installed in almost any commercial space configuration from office buildings to churches to classrooms. The units installed inside the St. Louis Park City Hall deliver two layers of unmatched medical-grade filtration to capture and destroy 99.99% of germs and microscopic indoor air contaminants including mold, pollen, dust, VOCs, and smoke. ISO-Aire can also be equipped with UVC sterilization as a third layer of proven purification protection.
Contact our experienced team today to learn how ISO-Aire can help bring clean, purified air to your municipality, community space, school facility, or business office.