ISO-Aire™ Combines 3 Air Purification Technologies into One

With the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses everywhere are having to re-examine their building infrastructure to decide what extra precautions can be implemented to maximize safety. 

With guidelines from CDC, OSHA, and WHO, as well as recommendations from ASHRAE there are significant steps that can be taken to help reduce the risk when opening a business back up. Of these, improving indoor air quality is a big step in the right direction. The three big proven technologies used in cleaning air include the use of HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter, UVC (ultraviolet-C) light, and bipolar ionization

With different virus-fighting properties, we have taken the step to combine all 3 technologies to offer the best protection against airborne contaminants that extend beyond just viruses- bacteria, mold spores, VOCs (volatile organic compounds), and allergens like pollen. 

Below is a table showing how our ISO-Aire unit provides maximum protection by combining all 3 technologies.



Clean Air for Schools and Classrooms


Establishing Safe COVID-19 Rooms in Schools Using HEPA Air Purifiers