ISO-Aire™ HEPA Air Purifier Alleviates Fall Allergies


Last spring, Annette Bing of Family Salon in Cannon Falls, MN partnered with ISO-Aire™ to install a sophisticated indoor air purification system as part of her COVID-19 plan to re-open safely. Inside the salon’s ISO-Aire™ unit, a powerful medical-grade HEPA filter (99.99% at .3 microns) works 24/7 to capture
and destroy airborne particles from viruses, like
SARS-CoV-2. The filtered air features an added benefit for salon employee Heidi Wilson, who has managed severe allergies for years, because ISO-Aire™ also effectively captures pollen, mold, VOCs, and bacteria. Here Heidi shares her experience, noting how
purified indoor air has made a significant improvement on her health and well being.


With fall in the air, those of us suffering from allergies brace ourselves as tiny airborne culprits – ragweed, mold, and dust particles – wreak havoc on our health. Hair stylist Heidi Wilson suffered from severe allergies for years, but this season is different – and greatly improved. Heidi has discovered relief
from the uncomfortable respiratory symptoms triggered by allergies ever since Family Salon in Cannon Falls, Minn. installed an ISO-Aire™.

We asked Heidi to share a bit about the improved air quality at the salon and the positive difference it has made.

Q: Family Salon installed an ISO-Aire™ unit inside your historic 1887 Yale Hardware building this past
June. Please share any changes you’ve noticed since then.
A: The changes have been quite significant! Being that our salon is located in one of Cannon Falls’
historic buildings, there are always the old-building smells. Now with ISO-Aire™ recirculating and filtering
the air 24/7, everything is fresh and clean. You almost feel re-energized when you walk in. I look forward
to going to work knowing I’ll be mostly symptom-free from my allergies for at least 8-9 hours.

Q: Knowing you manage your allergies year-round, Heidi, how has the ISO-Aire™ helped you with
your symptoms?
A: ISO-Aire™ has made the air so clean that I no long have the severe congestion and sinus pressure.
And the sneezing has been cut to a minimum.

Q: That’s wonderful news! If you were going to give the air inside Family Salon a letter grade, how
would you score it?
A: A+

Q: Have your clients noticed changes to the indoor air at Family Salon?
A: We are constantly being told how the salon smells great. The ISO-Aire™ has really helped us clear
out the old-building smell and has replaced it with clean, fresh air. I have one client who has commented
every time they’ve come in on the noticeably improved air and the removal of odors.

Q: Anything else you’d like to add, Heidi?
A: I just want to add that we are super grateful to be able to have such a wonderful ISO-Aire™ air
purification system. It helps us and our clients feel much safer coming into the salon with everything
going on in the world.

Next time you’re in Cannon Falls, stop in and visit Heidi and the welcoming team at Family Salon. You
can see – and smell – the ISO-Aire™ filtration system at work!


Top 3 Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Home or Workplace


Commercial-grade HEPA Air Purifier Solutions with Bipolar Ionization and UVC